June 3rd 2015
Course amendments
The following course amendments were approved by the Management Committee
The course committee, following discussions with Vincent Egan propose to remove the existing gates (large and small), erect smaller posts and to use the same system as is in place coming off the 7th and going on to the 8th, i.e., clipping a wire across when Vincent needs to move cattle.
This work will be carried out at the earliest suitable opportunity and is subject to ongoing review
Drains at 2nd, 5th & 7th Greens
The course committee, following feedback from members and consideration of all the issues propose to amend the stone drains in front of the 2nd, 5th and 7th greens as follows;
Remove 2” of stone, lay a thin layer of membrane and top this with a 2’’ layer of clay mixed with sand and seed. This is deemed only necessary in sections of drains directly in front of the particular greens.
This work will be carried out at the earliest suitable opportunity and is subject to ongoing review
Water to Greens
It was agreed to research the cost of procuring professional advice on providing water to greens.
May 6th 2015
Details were announced re the new 3rd Major which will be known as the Committee Cup to take place on this coming May 30th & 31st. Details in the members section on this website and on club noticeboard.
Members and visitors were thanked for their support for the May weekend fundraiser. Special thanks to the organisers, sponsors, to Mary, to Vincent/Gary and those who looked after the bar, to Charlie, Michael and Willie for the great condition of the course
Work on the 6th teebox will continue as soon as weather allows
Plans are being arranged for Open Week which takes place in July
April 1st
Update from April Management Committee Meeting
Ross Andrew was thanked for repairing the viewing platform on the 9th and Jim Mooney was thanked for his help to install the new computer system for the Men.
Commiserations were expressed to Michael Rush on the death of his Aunt Una Elphik.May she rest in peace.
A letter of thanks was received from Donal and Enda Smith for the honorary membership for 2015 which was presented to them following their recent All Ireland win in the Sigerson Cup
Seth Meredith was congratulated on reaching phase 2 of the Under 12 Provincial Coaching Panel
The Club Fundraiser of the May weekend was announced with prizes of €1200. The weekend takes place on Saturday/Sunday and Monday of the May weekend. Details on website and club noticeboard.